Ok. Estaba viendo tele y en Panorama, hubo un reportaje de esos que son cero que ver con el corte del programa político. No me quedé viéndolo. Me limité a escuchar que en US, las mujeres se vengan de los hombres que le sacaron la vuelta en una página:
Después de terminar de ver la película que estaba viendo: 'The Bachelor', entré al website. Acepté los terms para ingresar al site y lo primero que pensé buscar, fue a esos hombres tachados por la sociedad femenina norteamericana pero lo primero que llamó mi atención, fue un título que decía: NINE WAYS TO MEET A GREAT GUY y después de la corta, pero entretenida conversación con la buena Giulianne anoche, el artículo fit por completo. Entonces, a ver Giulianne si le das una leída al resumen que hice antes de llegar a la últma opción de acudir a ARKINKA. Ja!
1. You need to be flexible and willing to experiment with a variety of strategies, particularly if you find yourself in a drought. You also need to be flexible about the places you go to meet guys.
There are always interesting new ways to meet men, and you need to keep your ear to the ground to hear what’s hot at a given moment.
2. Be unashamedly proactive and methodical. Cold-hearted calculation doesn’t seem like a very magical approach to meeting the love of your life, but there will be plenty of time for magic once you’re dating. For instance, if you see a hottie and there doesn’t seem to be an easy way to meet him, accidentally bump into him, for God’s sake.
3. If you’re going to a party, bar or event, don’t travel in huge wolf packs of women. Two is an OK number (you and a friend), but three is even better because one friend has a pal to talk to if you start chatting someone up.
4. Avoid being too glam. Consider wearing something that could be a conversation-starter, like a t-shirt with something funny written on it or a faux-fur vest that a guy may ask to touch.
5. Have a drink in your hand. If you’re holding a drink, a guy won’t feel he has to immediately buy one for you. But then later, if things are going well, ordering you a refill gives him something positive to do.
6. Do not be too coy. Guys, as we know, like the chase. Make eye contact with an object of desire, hold for three seconds, and then look away. Repeat. If he’s interested, you’ve given him a pretty clear signal that it’s safe to head your way.
7. When there’s an adorable guy suddenly in your path, don’t be so worried about saying the perfect thing that you end up saying nothing at all. As long as you seem friendly, you’ll be OK—so just get something out. If you’re in an electronics store, try “Excuse me, could you tell me the difference between LCD and plasma screen TVs?” Humor can work, too.
8. Be positive.
9. Really hear what he has to say. Wait a few beats after he says something and think about what he’s said. Then allow your next comment or question to really play off what he’s told you.
Después de terminar de ver la película que estaba viendo: 'The Bachelor', entré al website. Acepté los terms para ingresar al site y lo primero que pensé buscar, fue a esos hombres tachados por la sociedad femenina norteamericana pero lo primero que llamó mi atención, fue un título que decía: NINE WAYS TO MEET A GREAT GUY y después de la corta, pero entretenida conversación con la buena Giulianne anoche, el artículo fit por completo. Entonces, a ver Giulianne si le das una leída al resumen que hice antes de llegar a la últma opción de acudir a ARKINKA. Ja!
1. You need to be flexible and willing to experiment with a variety of strategies, particularly if you find yourself in a drought. You also need to be flexible about the places you go to meet guys.
There are always interesting new ways to meet men, and you need to keep your ear to the ground to hear what’s hot at a given moment.
2. Be unashamedly proactive and methodical. Cold-hearted calculation doesn’t seem like a very magical approach to meeting the love of your life, but there will be plenty of time for magic once you’re dating. For instance, if you see a hottie and there doesn’t seem to be an easy way to meet him, accidentally bump into him, for God’s sake.
3. If you’re going to a party, bar or event, don’t travel in huge wolf packs of women. Two is an OK number (you and a friend), but three is even better because one friend has a pal to talk to if you start chatting someone up.
4. Avoid being too glam. Consider wearing something that could be a conversation-starter, like a t-shirt with something funny written on it or a faux-fur vest that a guy may ask to touch.
5. Have a drink in your hand. If you’re holding a drink, a guy won’t feel he has to immediately buy one for you. But then later, if things are going well, ordering you a refill gives him something positive to do.
6. Do not be too coy. Guys, as we know, like the chase. Make eye contact with an object of desire, hold for three seconds, and then look away. Repeat. If he’s interested, you’ve given him a pretty clear signal that it’s safe to head your way.
7. When there’s an adorable guy suddenly in your path, don’t be so worried about saying the perfect thing that you end up saying nothing at all. As long as you seem friendly, you’ll be OK—so just get something out. If you’re in an electronics store, try “Excuse me, could you tell me the difference between LCD and plasma screen TVs?” Humor can work, too.
8. Be positive.
9. Really hear what he has to say. Wait a few beats after he says something and think about what he’s said. Then allow your next comment or question to really play off what he’s told you.
interesante...pondremos en práctica la proxima estos consejillo...sobretodo xq si kiero saber la diferencia entre una pantalla LCD con una de plasma
PS: panorama hace SIGLOS q no es de corte político sino de espectáculos
T, at 9:32 PM
ARKINKA: SE BUSCA ARQUITECTO (ya graduado claro esta) .. bueno en vd buscaba a uno en especial, pero q se hara seguire los 8 pasos nomas... o mejor me dedico a hacer las tareas de la univ... si mejor.. guardaremos los consejos pa verano mas bien ;)
Giulz85, at 9:56 PM
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